Mayor Colin McIntyre

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Village Zoning Information and Resources 

Zoning is the process by which the Village of Lakemoor regulates land use.  The official zoning map of the Village of Lakemoor designates what a property is zoned.  Chapter 22 (Zoning Ordinance), of the Village of Lakemoor Municipal Code, describes regulations for the entire Village and for each specific zoning district.  These regulations include, but are not limited to, permitted land usage, building density, building height, parking regulations, and landscaping requirements.

 Permitted uses are uses that are explicitly allowed in a zoning district. Conditional Uses are land uses that are allowed in a zone only after public hearings. The Planning & Zoning Commission reviews each Conditional Use Permit, and the Village Board of Trustees must approve the Conditional Use prior to its establishment. Land uses that are not specifically listed as either a permitted or as a Conditional Use are not allowed. 


village zoning information